October 2, 2022

For the Lord our God the Almighty reigns.
Let us rejoice and be glad
and give Him the glory.
For the marriage of the Lamb has come,
and His bride has made herself ready."
Tabitha was still in the large museum complex that seemed out of this world. Perhaps “museum” was a poor description of it, as it was closer to a spiritual-disciplines boot camp than a place of passive amusement. The state-of-the-art technology enabled the owners to create digital replicas of rooms and scenarios for Tabitha based on information that she gave them permission to look up about her. This made her time at the complex a highly effective training ground for the Christian life. She had already had a number of meat-type courses on multiple foundations for understanding the Christian life and the errors that the devil was using in the church itself to trip up the elect of God. “For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders that would deceive even the elect, if that were possible” (Matt 24:24).
Tabitha mused over some of the lessons she had learned as she walked down the hallway to a room that had been prepared for her next stop. She summarized the lessons in her mind:
The implications of falling into sin as spiritual adultery and the severity of its consequences, and God’s shocking way of escape and how to obtain it through Jesus Christ (Finding Our Way Out of Brokenness)
The vital, life-giving nourishment of the Word of God to guide us through a perilous desert-like life (Water of the Word)
Being “salt” and “light” in the world, and the cost of valuable discipleship (Himalayan Rock Lamps)
The discipline of trials that imitate the “worm” and “fire” of hell in order to purge the dross of our sins, and the great mercy it is of the Father to afflict us (“Hell” on Earth: Fire & Darkness; “Hell” on Earth: What’s Eating At Me)
The significance of faith in the midst of pain to give us peace (We Need to Trust)
How to use the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, and how God makes it powerful and effective (The Sword in the Stone)
How to navigate through the errors of the mainstream church in a misunderstanding of eternal life as our present possession (Is This Heaven?), particularly in supernatural power to eradicate sin habits (The Power of God to Eradicate Sin) and in God’s call to us to get out of a milk diet and into many meat courses of relationship with Him through the Word (Spiritually Discerned)
Tabitha had arrived at the prepared next lesson. The guide opened the door, and she was surprised to see that the inside was an exact replica of her childhood home; she was beckoned to sit down at the dining room table that was only a few steps to the right of the front door and entry alcove. Before her was a plate of food that she was invited to eat, and there were others around the table who were also eating, whom she didn’t recognize. She didn’t feel terribly hungry, and she only managed to finish half the plate–probably because she was so stuffed by all the spiritual courses she had been trying to digest! She was told that it was her birthday, for the sake of the simulation, and that a party was being prepared in the basement. She was to expect guests. She decided not to try to stuff herself with dinner, in case there was more food at the party. She got up to answer the front door, where her aunt, Mrs. Crown, stood. She had apparently arrived for Tabitha’s birthday party. “There are a number of other Crowns already downstairs,” Tabitha said as she beckoned her aunt to enter. Tabitha’s parents also arrived and parked their van in her empty garage. They brought with them some pool flotation devices that she had left at their house when she had been there. Some of them, they had deflated for her already, and a couple of them were still inflated. She took from her dad the inflated ones and brought them to the kitchen bar table that was inside the garage door and set them down. Then she went downstairs.
The basement was set up like a large reception hall. There were round tables. A man who was meant to represent King Jesus was there. He would be her teacher. Tabitha became aware that this was not about her birthday but a rehearsal reception for the King’s wedding. The King had her sit at a round table right across from him. It was a large table, so he was a little distance from her, but she was able to see him clearly and look him in the eyes and converse with him. Someone served her a large piece of cake; it appeared to be white wedding cake with a large number of fresh blueberries; she didn’t eat it right away. There were plastic tumblers in front of the guests full of white wine. The wine was so clear, that she hardly realized there was anything at all in her cup. The King lifted his cup, to make a toast. Everyone followed suit. After he sipped, everyone else did. The wine was sweet with a distinct flavor.
Tabitha felt deeply drawn to give her full attention to the King; she was only vaguely aware of the other people around her. The King began to converse with her about the meaning of the things she had encountered, from a spiritual perspective. Her childhood home represented all the training in the Word she had been brought up with–the foundations of the gospel. The flotation devices that she left with her parents speak of “scaffolding” doctrines that she had used to help her understand the gospel and stay “afloat” in her walk with Christ as a baby Christian–in the midst of all the false doctrines and dangerous ways of interpreting the Word. These flotation devices are represented by the man-made creeds and confessions of Scripture that are meant to help with proper hermeneutics. However, Tabitha had left those flotation devices behind in order to plunge into the deep of practical meat and understanding found directly in the Word and its day-to-day application, and in communion with Christ by the Spirit. While her parents–that is, the spiritual foundations on which her faith was built–brought back those devices for her to get her bearings again after some intense trials that had left her doubting the promises of Scripture, she now felt ready to move forward again (not to discard the ancient paths but to apply them through constant use as swimmer applies the strokes he learns with the flotation devices. Think head knowledge becomes heart knowledge). “For everyone who lives on milk is still an infant, inexperienced in the message of righteousness. 14But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained their senses to distinguish good from evil” (Heb 5:13-14).
The King told Tabitha that she started her tour eating dinner on the main floor with people that she didn’t know, because it speaks of the general communion she has with the church at large around the Word, but she doesn’t know them intimately. This goes back to the last lesson she learned about “realms” of spiritual depth and experience. As one who had dug deeper into intimacy with the Lord by the Spirit, she was eager for the joy of the Marriage Supper (the dessert course). Though the main course was not yet over, it was to be continued at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. People invited to this reception are not those the church would necessarily expect. They may not be the current “leaders” of the churches or the ones that everything thinks are so holy because of their many public works of charity. They are often the ones who are weak, sickly, misunderstood, and even disdained by the church. They are judged as unspiritual or misrepresented through faulty perceptions. The Crown family represents this. Everyone in the simulation who are “family” are a part of the church of Christ, but only those who arrive at the front door and go downstairs are the ones invited to the more-intimate reception. Don’t assume the Lord is going to invite you to this just because you profess His name. Strive to partake! “Earnestly pursue love and eagerly desire spiritual gifts, especially the gift of prophecy” (1 Cor 14:1). “A large house contains not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay. Some indeed are for honorable use, but others are for common use. 21So if anyone cleanses himself of what is unfit, he will be a vessel for honor: sanctified, useful to the Master, and prepared for every good work” (2 Tim 2:20-21).
The King continued that the rehearsal reception was in the basement because it is a place that goes deep into the foundations of God’s plan and uncovers mysteries of His Word. It is a private place, away from the regular “hustle and bustle” of the common church. “But when you pray, go into your inner room, shut your door, and pray to your Father, who is unseen. And your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you” (Matt 6:6).
The King began to elaborate on the wine, which was actually a symbol of why Tabitha had been under the impression that she was going to her birthday party, for as the King explained, the wine represented a spiritual “birthday.” While all the church is waiting eagerly for redemption from the body and the sinful nature, she must live in the age of red wine–that symbol of the blood of the covenant given to us at the Last Supper before Jesus poured out His blood for the redemption of many. While the wine of the Last Supper was red and bloody, the wine of the wedding reception is white and pure, in a certain sense. This is a glorious hope of the joy to come! 1 Peter 5:10: “And after you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself restore you, secure you, strengthen you, and establish you.”
Rev 7:14-17:
“These are the ones who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. 15For this reason,
they are before the throne of God
and serve Him day and night in His temple;
and the One seated on the throne
will spread His tabernacle over them.
16‘Never again will they hunger,
and never will they thirst;
nor will the sun beat down upon them,
nor any scorching heat.’
17For the Lamb in the center of the throne
will be their shepherd.
‘He will lead them to springs of living water,’
and ‘God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.’”
Rev 19:6-8:
“And I heard a sound like the roar of a great multitude, like the rushing of many waters, and like a mighty rumbling of thunder, crying out:
For the Lord our God the Almighty reigns.
7Let us rejoice and be glad
and give Him the glory.
For the marriage of the Lamb has come,
and His bride has made herself ready.
8She was given clothing of fine linen,
bright and pure.’
For the fine linen she wears is the righteous acts of the saints.”
The wine was served in plastic tumblers, which reveal the temporary nature of the vessel–disposable. They represent the bridal company who are the vessels in which the wine is served—in these mortal bodies. “Now we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this surpassingly great power is from God and not from us” (2 Cor 4:7). The tumblers were clear, showing that the bridal company that is fit for use by the Master have been purified to be ready to show forth the glories of the King’s joy–the world will not see the vessels; they will see what God is serving! They will taste and see that the Lord is good!
Tabitha asked the King about the cake she was served, and He replied, “The white cake signifies the purity of God’s people. It is cake because it is the sweetness of the last course of the age, right before Jesus ushers in His triumphal return and consummates His marriage. You have already tasted the wedding wine (“Taste and see that the Lord is good!” - Ps 34:8). The blueberries served with the cake speak of the joys of God’s wrath. They add necessary flavor and color to all He is doing when He consummates the end of the age. You will eat of them and be satisfied, and they will be a joy to your heart, for the vengeance of the LORD is just and good, for He is holy!”
*All Scriptures are in the Berean Study Bible (BSB) version unless otherwise noted.